When you open RM Workspace, your home screen will be displayed. Much of your work can be accessed from this screen. (See the previous page for a full screen image)
Navigation Bar
The left side navigation bar provides access to the many features of RM Workspace.
Quick search by record number or for specific text in the title, notes or document content (depending on your organisation's configuration settings). Use the icon to the right of the record filter field to perform the search. For more complex searches, use the 'Advanced search' link
When enabled for display by your RM Workspace administrator, the quicksearch selector enables you to select from a list of specific fields, determining in which field you will search for the value entered into the quicksearch bar.
After entering your quicksearch criteria and using the Quicksearch selector and Record type filter (if enabled), use this button to perform your quicksearch.
The right side, context sensitive, actions menu provides a range of actions you can use, dependent upon the record(s) you have selected and your user permissions
Note: This screenshot displays a tag and a search portlet at the top right and left (both minimised), with global 'Created by me', 'My recent documents' and 'Checked out to me' portlets shown closed; 'My workflows' and 'Assigned to me' portlets which are open in grid layout; My favourites portlet which is open in list layout.
With at least 1 record selected, if there are more actions available than can be displayed on the screen, when your cursor is inside the actions menu, a scroll bar will display so that you can scroll through the available actions without scrolling the rest of the screen.
Note: A scrollbar similarly becomes available if the Navigation bar on the left of the screen cannot display all click options in the visible part of the screen.