RM Workspace Help

Record Tags

To identify records for fast retrieval when you need them, you can create and apply tags to records.
Tags are like keywords and can be used to identify records that you want to temporarily group together. For instance, you may want to apply a tag to all records related to a specific project or to a specific topic - regardless of the containers in which they are stored.
Tags you have used most recently are displayed in the 'Tag cloud', on the bottom of the left side of the navigation bar.
Record Tags         

Manage your tags

1. Manage your tags    
To view an alphabetical list of all of your tags, click on the 'Tags' label in the left side navigation bar to display the 'Manage my tags' screen where you can edit your tag names and can click on any tag to view all records to which that tag has been attached.

Tag cloud

For quick and easy access, the tag cloud at the bottom left side of the navigation bar, displays tags you have most recently attached to records or edited with the varied font sizes indicating the comparative number of records tagged with each tag.  The larger font indicates that comparatively more records are tagged with that tag than tag names in a smaller font. 
Click on any tag name in the tag cloud to display all records tagged with that name.
Click on a tag and dragNdrop it onto a record in RM Workspace to apply that tag to that record.
Tip: If a tag you need is not displayed in the tag cloud, add that tag to a record via the Actions menu or edit the tag via your Manage my tags screen (#1 above) and it will display at the top of your tag cloud for when it is next required.