RM Workspace Help

RM Workspace Collaboration - Groups and Sharing

 RM Workspace has been optimised for collaboration, making it easy to share records between users and with RM Workspace groups.
RM Workspace Collaboration - Groups and Sharing

My groups information

Click on the 'My groups' link in the Collaboration section of the left side navigation bar in order to:
  • Create new RM Workspace groups
  • Edit groups of which you are designated a group administrator (groups may have been be created by you or another user)
  • View groups of which you are a member,

Group list - to access group screens

The arrow to the left of the 'My groups' link in the left side of the navigation bar enables you to quickly access the screen for any group of which you are an administrator or a member. 
Click on the arrow to expand your groups list then either select a group to close the list and go to that screen - or click on the (open) arrow to close the list.

Expanded group list

When expanded, you can see all the groups of which you are a member or an administrator, in alphabetical order. Click on any group name in the list to go to that group's screen.
You can close the expanded list again by clicking on the (open) arrow.

Records shared with me

Click on this link to see records which have been shared with you by other users.  You can see who shared each record, with whom each was shared, the date on which each was shared and any comments the 'share-ers' may have entered in relation to the shares.

Records shared by me

Click on this link to see a list of the records you have shared with other users or RM Workspace groups.  You can see with whom you shared each record, the date on which you shared each record and any comments you may have entered for each record share.