RM Workspace Help

Perform your saved search

Having previously performed a search and then saved it, you can perform the search at any time from your saved searches screen.
Perform your saved search
Tip: If you want to send a search url to another user, save the search to ensure it remains available for them

Go to your Saved searches

1. Go to your Saved searches
To access your saved searches, click on the Saved searches link in the left side navigation bar in the History section.

My Saved searches screen

2. My Saved searches screen

Run search from name

3. Run search from name
To run your saved search, you can click on the name .. or

Run search from icon

4. Run search from icon     Alternatively, to run your saved search, click on the magnifying glass icon to the far left of the appropriate search.

Saved search name displays in results

5. Saved search name displays in results
When you run a saved search, the name of the search is displayed at the top of the screen.

Mousehover shows criteria

6. Mousehover shows criteria
You can review the criteria of your saved search if you mouse hover over the name at the top of the screen.