Searches you have performed recently are available by clicking on the 'Recent searches' link in the left side navigation bar in the History section.
When you click on the Recent searches link, RM Workspace displays a list of quick and advanced searches you have performed, with the most recently performed searches displayed at the top of the list.
Access recent searches
To display a list of quick and advanced searches you have performed, with the most recently performed searches at the top of the list, click on the 'Recent searches' link in the History section of the left side navigation bar to access your 'My recent searches' screen.
The Search name column shows the name of any recent searches which have been saved. If the search was not saved, the search criteria is displayed. Click on a value in this column to perform that search.
If a record type filter was applied to any search, the filter information is displayed in this column and when performing the search from Recent searches, the record type filter is applied as it was when the search was previously performed.
Note: When using HP TRIM/HPE RM's Advanced search form via Actions/Query builder to perform a search - if any Record type filters were applied in Query builder, they are not displayed in this field. However, if that search is performed from Recent searches, the Record type filter is 'invisibly' applied as it was originally.
For your assistance, RM Workspace shows you the number of results found the last time you performed each search.
Bear in mind that records may have been added, removed or their information changed since the last time you performed the search - so the number of results you see when performing the search now may differ from the results returned the last time you performed it.
If you re-run a search, the most recent run date is stored here. Recent searches are sorted by default by this field, displaying the most recently performed searches at the top of the list.