RM Workspace Help

Delete a saved search portlet

When you no longer need immediate access to a set of records displayed in a saved search portlet, you can remove the portlet from your Home or a group screen, making space for other, more relevant information.
Delete a saved search portlet

Search portlet indicator

1. Search portlet indicator     Saved search portlets are identified by the icon on the title bar.

Click to delete portlet

2. Click to delete portlet     If this is a saved search portlet which you created - you will see an 'X' button in the titlebar.
Click on the 'X' button to remove the saved search portlet. A confirmation request will be displayed. If you click on OK to proceed, the portlet will be removed.
Tip: Removing the saved search portlet does not delete the saved search itself. To delete the saved search portlet AND the saved search on which it is based, click on Saved searches in the History section of the left side navigation bar, locate the search and click on the associated delete icon.