RM Workspace Help

Advanced Search - Special Date Search Terms

There are a range of special date search terms  used in HP TRIM and HP Records Manager which can also be used in the various Date fields (Date registered, Date Created, Date Last Updated etc.) in RM Workspace's Advanced search form.
If you want to use the special date search terms, you must enter the terms in the format acceptable to the HP EDRMS you are using.
Acceptable formats are displayed in the tables below. Please note that the terms which can be used in HP TRIM 7.3.4.x are exactly those listed.  Different terms which are acceptable when using HP RM 8.1.x cannot be used with HP TRIM 7.x.
The special date terms can be used in the Date's To field or the From field or both as appropriate:
For example:
Tip: Using the proper syntax, you can also use these special date search terms as part of string search criteria you enter directly into the quicksearch field. e.g. Enter 'registeredOn:today' into to the quicksearch field to search for and display a list of records registered today.