As with all software, there are often a number of ways to obtain desired information or to undertake desired actions. Here are some additional tips to help you to get the best out of RM Workspace.
I want to see all records with a current action assigned to a specific user but both HPRM and RM Workspace searches show me all records with a current action PLUS all records assigned to a specific user.
It's all in the placement of the brackets in the query:
Instead of using action:[canStart] and action:[assignee:3], instead use : action:[canStart AND assignee:[xxx]]
Don't forget to replace xxx with your location's uri
If I am looking at a record in a container (or alternatively contained), I want to be able to quickly search for and display the container (or alt container) record.
If you have the container (or alt container) field displayed in your search results/portlet, the container (alt container) record number is hyperlinked. Click on the container/alt container record number and RM Workspace will search for and display that record.
If I am looking at a record in a container (or alternatively contained), I want to be able to quickly search for and display all the records in that container (or alt container) record.
If you mouse hover over the file type icon of your contained (alternatively contained) record, the details pane will display a summary of the record's metadata including the container (and alt container if applicable). The container (and alt container) values are hyperlinked. Click on the Container (or alt container) record details to display the contents of that container (or alt container).
My boss has asked me to share a record with a specific group - but I can't see that group to add them or
My supervisor has asked me to Create a new group/edit an existing group and to add a specific existing group as administrators/members of the new/edited group - but I can't see that group to add them.
When adding groups to a record share or as Administrators/Members of another group, you will only be able to add groups of which you are an administrator or a member.
If you don't belong to a group, you will not be able to see that group in any lookup lists.